Tommorow is the day that we've been moving towards for almost 2 years - the true launch of the tour
Beacon Hill Park, Mile 0, Victoria, BC Canada tomorrow, Sunday 0900hrs. Hope to meet a few friends and shoot some photos and video, do a brief presentation, shed a few tears, have a few laughs, dip in a toe in the Pacific ocean and start on a trip that will be life changing for myself and hopefully more than a few people I meet.
What another beautiful day today. Got to do a bit of sailing, played games, ate far too well and just enjoyed the company. I can't say enough about the Attwell family - their zest for life and unending generosity to us.
Just a few things I need to get straight before I start
1. I am not going to shave my legs to start this tour despite what the hard core cyclists are suggesting (I might change my mind, but the thought is not appealing - I am a very hairy guy!
2. I am both running and cycling throughout the tour so that I can tell the cyclists that I am a really more of a runner and that's why I am so slow on the bike, and I can tell all the runners that I am a more of a cyclist and that's why I am such a slow runner (BRILLIANT)
3. I am not the Energizer Bunny, rather closer to the Energizer Tortoise - long and steady will win in this tour and why I will succeed is based more on my stubborness than my athletic abilities.
4. I will not apologize for talking about mental illness and depression. This is an awareness tour and this IS my mission, and I do plan to talk (and listen a lot!)
I'll hopefully be able to post some great pictures, maybe a bit of good video about the Tour kick-off so keep posted
Random quotes of the day
Never regret something that once made you smile Amber Deckers
Pessimism is an excuse for not trying and a guarantee to a personal failure
Bill Clinton
Tommorrow is a big day, so early to bed, early to rise, gets one to Victoria to say thanks and goodbyes! HERE WE COME CANADA
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
An Idyllic Day at Cowichan Lake
What a gorgeous day with the Attwell family at their cottage-paradise on the lake. Laid back, relaxing fun on the water, a suprisingly nice lunch at YouBou, a refreshing ride with some serious cyclists (despite what anyone might say or think, next to these guys I am not even remotely hard core). And what a feast for dinner, an eclectic sampling of surf and turf and fresh produce that was absolutely great.
Dave and Clare and their twins Erin and Adam are a remarkable family full of fun and love which I guess makes them truly fun-loving. There is much to be learnt and appreciated in spending time with all of them and their extended family. There is also much to be said for the importance of family and we lived it today. If all families spent more time with each other, enjoyed each other, played and laughed more, our communities, cities, and society in general would have many, many fewer problems. I'm not the first to say this and I shouldn't be the last.
Monique and I are grateful for all the generosity and kindness we've been shown today. What a way to lead into the SAD no more Tour. Only one regret, that being that one of the most memorable days may be past before the tour even begins.
random quote of the day
Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes, Art is knowing which ones to keep
Scott Adams
mini-heroic deed of the day
As we came to dock the boat to go to lunch, a woman had dropped her car keys into the water and her friends were trying unsuccessfully to fish them out. Dave grabbed his snorkling mask and dove down some 25 feet and after a few attempts finally spotted them (quite a distance from where they were looking) and was able to retrieve them. A little thing anyone "might" have done, buy Dave did it, and did it with style and a mere shrug of his shoulder.
Dave and Clare and their twins Erin and Adam are a remarkable family full of fun and love which I guess makes them truly fun-loving. There is much to be learnt and appreciated in spending time with all of them and their extended family. There is also much to be said for the importance of family and we lived it today. If all families spent more time with each other, enjoyed each other, played and laughed more, our communities, cities, and society in general would have many, many fewer problems. I'm not the first to say this and I shouldn't be the last.
Monique and I are grateful for all the generosity and kindness we've been shown today. What a way to lead into the SAD no more Tour. Only one regret, that being that one of the most memorable days may be past before the tour even begins.
random quote of the day
Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes, Art is knowing which ones to keep
Scott Adams
mini-heroic deed of the day
As we came to dock the boat to go to lunch, a woman had dropped her car keys into the water and her friends were trying unsuccessfully to fish them out. Dave grabbed his snorkling mask and dove down some 25 feet and after a few attempts finally spotted them (quite a distance from where they were looking) and was able to retrieve them. A little thing anyone "might" have done, buy Dave did it, and did it with style and a mere shrug of his shoulder.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
SPINNING tales at Fort Street Cycle
Slept in today and it felt absolutely great (it’s been months since indulged this guilty pleasure). White knuckler Monique probably needed this more than I did. Went for a beautiful relaxed run along the ocean from Esquimault into Victoria waterfront area and it felt very, very good. Bumped into an old patient who moved to Victoria 4 years ago and had a pleasant reminiscence. Off for a short ride than sorting out last minute bike things with Doug and his crew at Fort Street Cycle in Victoria. Ex Albertans Doug and his wife Denise have got to be the nicest couple you could ever meet, kind and generous to a fault and their support has been excellent. Don, Gabor and the entire staff are absolutely top notch! If you live anywhere near Victoria (500 km radius, maybe more), this is the ONLY cycling place you’d ever want to be going
The “kick off” pre tour event went very well tonight, with a silent auction, presentation and demonstration bike fitting. The audience of family physicians was enthusiastic about the tour, and hopefully took home a bit of extra knowledge about SAD with their newly acquired cycling gear. Thanks to Leslie for all her help and Dave for his pushing this event forward (more about Dave in future – I hardly know him and I think he is as crazy as I am)
Off to Cowichan Lake (or Lake Cowichan as it's officially called) for some final prep and the last chance for a bit of a true “holiday time” / R+R before the true grind of the tour begins in earnest. Everything is ready, a brief pause for reflection and we will soon be off.
Random quote of the day
We cannot swing up on a rope that is attached only to or own belt William Ernest Hocking
Random thought of the day
Glad I don’t live in Victoria – the downtown shops full of great artwork, antiques, and “stuff” would be a temptation that I would find hard to resist and would have me be blissfully broke in a year!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Monique should be driving NASCAR
We’re OFF (yeah we’re off - that too). Brief pit stop in Kelowna HOT HOT HOT for a late lunch and onward to the coast. Got from Calgary all the way to Victoria in a day - Debra from the media company wished us a “smooth flight” – does she know Monique and how she flies (I mean drives) or is she just psychic??
Have to get used to “doing business” in a noisy moving vehicle. Monique has already settled into driving the SB (Sunshine Beast) like a pro, swearing and giving the finger to other truckers. (When she starts scratching her groin and spitting out the window – I am out of here!)
Now that I have some actual time – I am reviewing some of the most recent literature about SAD. There is so much to learn and understand, so much to know. There really is much that is not well understood or difficult to prove in this area. It’s certainly difficult science to do research with light therapy – what do you use for a control? (One paper aptly said it was like doing a drug trial on Prozac when it was being intermittently put in the drinking water) The placebo effect in any depression study is among the highest in clinical science and the recurrence rate of seasonal depression in a subsequent winter is estimated at anywhere from 30 – 70%. Therefore a recurrence free season could coincidently be treated with coca-cola and poutine and this could appear to be successful in 30% of the subjects. (By the way, I just happen to have a patent pending invention which has a killer combination of these ingredients - POCO©, which is disgusting blend of sugar and fat and not just a “little bit” - I’m just kidding................or maybe not.
Sign of the day (in a store in Kelowna BC)
Don’t run faster than your guardian angel can fly
I only wish my speed was this good at age 50+
Random quotes of the day
It only takes one person to change your life – YOU
To avoid sickness eat less; to prolong life – worry less Weng, Chu Hui
The only difference between a rut and a grave is in their dimensions. Ellen Glasglow
“oh-well” event of the day
Only 10 minutes out of Calgary, our plastic water jug cracks and releases 25 litres of water. It’s only water and the container seemed to be the right thing – clearly not. Sure there will be many things that look great on paper that don’t translate in the real life situation that we’ll be living in. As we were getting on the ferry, we noticed liquid detergent all over the kitchen floor – another broken plastic bottle – I though plastic would be safer in a RV – what do we need bullet proof steel canisters?? We dread looking around to see what else has broken on only our first day on the road. We figured out the fridge – we’re laughing!
Have to get used to “doing business” in a noisy moving vehicle. Monique has already settled into driving the SB (Sunshine Beast) like a pro, swearing and giving the finger to other truckers. (When she starts scratching her groin and spitting out the window – I am out of here!)
Now that I have some actual time – I am reviewing some of the most recent literature about SAD. There is so much to learn and understand, so much to know. There really is much that is not well understood or difficult to prove in this area. It’s certainly difficult science to do research with light therapy – what do you use for a control? (One paper aptly said it was like doing a drug trial on Prozac when it was being intermittently put in the drinking water) The placebo effect in any depression study is among the highest in clinical science and the recurrence rate of seasonal depression in a subsequent winter is estimated at anywhere from 30 – 70%. Therefore a recurrence free season could coincidently be treated with coca-cola and poutine and this could appear to be successful in 30% of the subjects. (By the way, I just happen to have a patent pending invention which has a killer combination of these ingredients - POCO©, which is disgusting blend of sugar and fat and not just a “little bit” - I’m just kidding................or maybe not.
Sign of the day (in a store in Kelowna BC)
Don’t run faster than your guardian angel can fly
I only wish my speed was this good at age 50+
Random quotes of the day
It only takes one person to change your life – YOU
To avoid sickness eat less; to prolong life – worry less Weng, Chu Hui
The only difference between a rut and a grave is in their dimensions. Ellen Glasglow
“oh-well” event of the day
Only 10 minutes out of Calgary, our plastic water jug cracks and releases 25 litres of water. It’s only water and the container seemed to be the right thing – clearly not. Sure there will be many things that look great on paper that don’t translate in the real life situation that we’ll be living in. As we were getting on the ferry, we noticed liquid detergent all over the kitchen floor – another broken plastic bottle – I though plastic would be safer in a RV – what do we need bullet proof steel canisters?? We dread looking around to see what else has broken on only our first day on the road. We figured out the fridge – we’re laughing!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Last Chance for Romance (...........and just a bit more packing)
It still hasn't quite sunk in yet - but I am not going to be working in a medical clinic for quite a long time. I finished my last day today and we are off to Victoria tomorrow morning. I don't believe I have hugged as many patients in one day - it was contagious, an epidemic of genuine support.
Monique brought the RV around to the clinic and everyone got a first hand look at the SUNSHINE BEAST and we had a cake and some funny gifts at lunch time and all in all, a good day was had by all. A bit of panic from a few patients, last minute forms and paperwork (always), but mostly I felt that the people I work with and virtually all the patients under my care are fully behind me and that feels really good and makes me want to accomplish each and every goal that I dreamed about two summers ago.
AWARENESS to ACTION - that's the motto and you will hear it a few times
random quote of the day
I am a part of all that I have met Lord Alfred Tennyson
Beautiful event of the day
Having a well seasoned and well respected physician take over my practice for the next 3+ months. Knowing all the people I care about so deeply are in good hands while I take this "mini sabbatical" brings a calm reassurance that I will need to pull off the magnitude of this tour successfully - thanks BRIAN, you don't know how much this means to me!
Monique brought the RV around to the clinic and everyone got a first hand look at the SUNSHINE BEAST and we had a cake and some funny gifts at lunch time and all in all, a good day was had by all. A bit of panic from a few patients, last minute forms and paperwork (always), but mostly I felt that the people I work with and virtually all the patients under my care are fully behind me and that feels really good and makes me want to accomplish each and every goal that I dreamed about two summers ago.
AWARENESS to ACTION - that's the motto and you will hear it a few times
random quote of the day
I am a part of all that I have met Lord Alfred Tennyson
Beautiful event of the day
Having a well seasoned and well respected physician take over my practice for the next 3+ months. Knowing all the people I care about so deeply are in good hands while I take this "mini sabbatical" brings a calm reassurance that I will need to pull off the magnitude of this tour successfully - thanks BRIAN, you don't know how much this means to me!
Monday, July 26, 2010
last minute CHAOS
so what did I expect - so many last minute things. Among a long list of "to do's" met with Corey - webmaster/graphics designer extraordinaire and all around nice guy to ensure all web "stuff" is operational. What a help he has been and his work is timely, and consistently excellent - green acre design out of Calgary (I lucked out!!)
and now I must announce that................
I can TWITTER and tweet
I can even BLOG when I have time (of course if you are reading this you know I can blog and probably realize I don't have much time)
and soon we'll be GOOGLE-MAPPING live
It all works - it's all crazy and technical and suprisingly simple and terrifying all at the same
The RV is essentially all packed, the just tuned up bikes all picked up (thanks Mike, again for all of this) and starting to say goodbyes and tying up loose ends (and tarps).
random quote of the day
by sowing frugality we reap liberty, a golden harvest. Agesilaus
smirk event of the day
my astute son saw the SAD no more Tour RV for the first time today and we talked about the SAD-Mobile or as Monique calls it- the SUNSHINE BEAST and he aptly said "hope it doesn't become the SNOW-Mobile by the end of the tour" - I have begat an optimist!
and now I must announce that................
I can TWITTER and tweet
I can even BLOG when I have time (of course if you are reading this you know I can blog and probably realize I don't have much time)
and soon we'll be GOOGLE-MAPPING live
It all works - it's all crazy and technical and suprisingly simple and terrifying all at the same
The RV is essentially all packed, the just tuned up bikes all picked up (thanks Mike, again for all of this) and starting to say goodbyes and tying up loose ends (and tarps).
random quote of the day
by sowing frugality we reap liberty, a golden harvest. Agesilaus
smirk event of the day
my astute son saw the SAD no more Tour RV for the first time today and we talked about the SAD-Mobile or as Monique calls it- the SUNSHINE BEAST and he aptly said "hope it doesn't become the SNOW-Mobile by the end of the tour" - I have begat an optimist!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
RV Trials and Tribulations
If you can call sleeping in an RV parked outside your house a "trial run", then officially we are running, and running hard. In my youth, I have spent a lot of time in quite a number of tents (the good, the bad, the leaky), and later in life, I have spent a lot of time sleeping in hotel rooms across the country (the good, the bad, the pretentious) but last night was my first time ever sleeping in a RV (our RV for the next 4 months, the SAD-mobile as it has already been dubbed). I could tell you stories about motel rooms "on the road" in those ill fated cross country musical tours, but they would all sound like trite cliches so I'll save you the sordid details of what I have found in beds, what I have heard in the next room at 3 in the morning and the grossest toilet/washroom/shower awards I have given out - there is this place in Red Rock ON......
Last night didn't work, the power wouldn't work (faulty battery cable), the brand new MEC sleeping bags ended up bunched up neither on top nor underneath us (we didn't do the traditional 1 bag for 1 person thing, but tried the couple friendly 2 bags for 2 people tango), I banged my head on every conceivable outpouching, cupboard, ceiling, while Monique couldn't breathe in the canopy part (too closed in) and couldn't breathe the musty odor of used/but not used for a while staleness and all this in the absolute PERFECT situation - a beautiful summer day in Calgary. Put this same scenario in a sub zero sleet storm in Moose Breath NF and I would have been calling the locals for a tranquilizer gun (always wanted to try one of those on a few select individuals)
But the main thing is that we're (should read "I'm") having FUN. The test was important to work out the bugs - come to think of it, that was definitely a big positive - there were no bugs, the numerous itchy red welts on my legs are from.........shaving. We survived, have a new game plan for tonight and are one step closer to doing this "for real".
Did I say I was going to post some pix soon,
soon enough
(God it LOOKS great, maybe Monique will even want to sleep in it)
random quote of the day
no man is rich enough to buy back his past
weird event of the day
today some guy going the other direction on Jean Laurie Blvd, rolls down his window and starts yelling at me. The screams were lost and all I heard was something like "@#$%^&^^)(*^&*(*^%^ off the ($%*($@#$%* road"
I was minding my own business going in the complete opposite direction on a completely different road than he was one - it was hot today and maybe the fact that I was cycling au naturale bothered him (I did have a helmet on!!)
me thinks I'm going to get a lot more of this when I truly am on the same road as some of these irate drivers, irregardless of what I am or am not wearing.
If you can call sleeping in an RV parked outside your house a "trial run", then officially we are running, and running hard. In my youth, I have spent a lot of time in quite a number of tents (the good, the bad, the leaky), and later in life, I have spent a lot of time sleeping in hotel rooms across the country (the good, the bad, the pretentious) but last night was my first time ever sleeping in a RV (our RV for the next 4 months, the SAD-mobile as it has already been dubbed). I could tell you stories about motel rooms "on the road" in those ill fated cross country musical tours, but they would all sound like trite cliches so I'll save you the sordid details of what I have found in beds, what I have heard in the next room at 3 in the morning and the grossest toilet/washroom/shower awards I have given out - there is this place in Red Rock ON......
Last night didn't work, the power wouldn't work (faulty battery cable), the brand new MEC sleeping bags ended up bunched up neither on top nor underneath us (we didn't do the traditional 1 bag for 1 person thing, but tried the couple friendly 2 bags for 2 people tango), I banged my head on every conceivable outpouching, cupboard, ceiling, while Monique couldn't breathe in the canopy part (too closed in) and couldn't breathe the musty odor of used/but not used for a while staleness and all this in the absolute PERFECT situation - a beautiful summer day in Calgary. Put this same scenario in a sub zero sleet storm in Moose Breath NF and I would have been calling the locals for a tranquilizer gun (always wanted to try one of those on a few select individuals)
But the main thing is that we're (should read "I'm") having FUN. The test was important to work out the bugs - come to think of it, that was definitely a big positive - there were no bugs, the numerous itchy red welts on my legs are from.........shaving. We survived, have a new game plan for tonight and are one step closer to doing this "for real".
Did I say I was going to post some pix soon,
soon enough
(God it LOOKS great, maybe Monique will even want to sleep in it)
no man is rich enough to buy back his past
weird event of the day
today some guy going the other direction on Jean Laurie Blvd, rolls down his window and starts yelling at me. The screams were lost and all I heard was something like "@#$%^&^^)(*^&*(*^%^ off the ($%*($@#$%* road"
I was minding my own business going in the complete opposite direction on a completely different road than he was one - it was hot today and maybe the fact that I was cycling au naturale bothered him (I did have a helmet on!!)
me thinks I'm going to get a lot more of this when I truly am on the same road as some of these irate drivers, irregardless of what I am or am not wearing.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
The official SAD no more Canadian Tour 2010 Blog starts TODAY!
Not that I doubted that the tour would ever start - but we have now have a 25ft sunburst (very bright and eyecatching) vehicle in front of our house, a living room full of posters, photos, banners, merchandise (did I say merchandise - we are talking head turning, no holds barred MERCH!), boxes and boxes of music CD's and the writing is on the wall - well not literally, we have not started sad no more graffitti yet (althought that is an interesting idea.....)
After 2 years of planning, organizing, training we are packing the RV over the next few days and are truly getting ready to go. The last week has been particularly chaotic with so much happening, so much to be done (so much yet to be done - I think I hear Monique yelling something about bringing something, again) It's all exilarating and exhausting, incredibly exciting and terrifying all at the same time - to be honest - I LOVE IT!
What has been most outstanding to me to date is the encouraging feedback I have directly received from my patients - universally and unconditionally positive and supportive. Whether this be small gifts, baking (D and C - you are cookie-angels), a word of encouragement, advice, monies, secretarial help etc - so many, many people have been so kind and generous that I have been a bit overwhelmed and humbled (yes even dr j can be humbled).
Not that I doubted that the tour would ever start - but we have now have a 25ft sunburst (very bright and eyecatching) vehicle in front of our house, a living room full of posters, photos, banners, merchandise (did I say merchandise - we are talking head turning, no holds barred MERCH!), boxes and boxes of music CD's and the writing is on the wall - well not literally, we have not started sad no more graffitti yet (althought that is an interesting idea.....)
After 2 years of planning, organizing, training we are packing the RV over the next few days and are truly getting ready to go. The last week has been particularly chaotic with so much happening, so much to be done (so much yet to be done - I think I hear Monique yelling something about bringing something, again) It's all exilarating and exhausting, incredibly exciting and terrifying all at the same time - to be honest - I LOVE IT!
What has been most outstanding to me to date is the encouraging feedback I have directly received from my patients - universally and unconditionally positive and supportive. Whether this be small gifts, baking (D and C - you are cookie-angels), a word of encouragement, advice, monies, secretarial help etc - so many, many people have been so kind and generous that I have been a bit overwhelmed and humbled (yes even dr j can be humbled).
So not to get too syrupy on you, I leave you with a funny little quip - a total stranger came up to me yesterday, saw my sad no more shirt (the eye catching, head turning MERCH!!) and asked me what SAD HORMONAL was (???) - without batting an eyelid, I said I was going through "a change" and this was a sympathy tour for all women and men going through menopause or man-o-pause. He looked confused, but accepted the explanation and walked away - turned around and said - "good luck - it's a great cause!" and so the story begins................
I'll post pix of merch and RV soon - you've gotta see all this stuff!!
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