Sunday, August 1, 2010

The SAD no more TOUR is launched (like a ROCKET!!)

What an absolutely glorious day, Mile 0 kick-off with Joe, Les ("board members" and sources of much wisdom from the start) and daughter Erika and a few surprise guests from Calgary Sandy and her mom, Rob and Susan and their friends. Of course Monique and Gab were there and video by Rhys and all the cyclists. Wow, on a long w/e we had a nice little gathering and show of support. A few dedications and many many thanks, photos, a brief moment by the Terry Fox statue, a toe and bike tire in the Pacific Ocean and off we went.

The Tour is officially dedicated to all who suffer from depression, particularly SAD themselves or those loved ones who bear the burden of their illness. The message is positive, there is hope and effective treatment. My dream is that the tour is able to shed a new light on a holistic approach to the successful management of SAD - ah yes...... SAD no more!!

I personally dedicate the first day to Monique. If there is a hero in this tour - it is her. Her ability to put up with me, organize and juggle everything and still keep a smile on her face is amazing and she deserves all the praise - without her this tour could never have occurred. Love you Monique.

We all left Victoria - a nice peloton of riders and headed towards Nanaimo. The group slowly got smaller as a few cyclists turned and headed back to Victoria. We had a gourmet lunch at Gail and Roger's in Mill Bay, ate far too well, met a few neighbors and all agreed that this was an amazingly civilized way to start this tour. Off to Ladysmith to a coffee shop and then off to Duke Point near Nanaimo, on the Ferry and we are nearing Vancouver as I finish this off.

Thanks to the final riders today, Dave, Warren and Tristan for a great kick off day of cycling. I still don't plan to shave my legs any time soon, but Dave I promise I will eat and drink and eat and drink BEFORE I get hungry and thirsty. (Like a mother hen - Dave was protective, and as a true mentor was full of wise tips and suggestions) Dave is an absolute monster on a bike and the kindest, most generous guy you'd ever meet - I figure I'll listen to him.

It was a great day, a fantastic start to the tour, made possible only by the group surrounding me - and what a group they are!!

quote of the day
I believe in Miracles,
I have to

Terry Fox inscription on statue at Mile 0

Some miracles are mighty, but mostly they are small......
dr j song lyric


  1. Best wishes on your adventure! I'm glad you're blogging throughout & I love reading all the quotes.

  2. And he is off! I remembered after the fact that we should have included some bug spray in the clinic care package haha.

    Anyways -- loved the dedication to Monique -- she is kind of a superhero herself indeed!

  3. Exciting to see the start of the adventure! Good Luck Dr J

  4. thanks to all for your comments - as much as you enjoy reading my blogs, I enjoy reading at least a few comments here and there

  5. Bravooooooooo way to go....whooot whooot off you go.....and on the island too...nice touch Dr J. Hats off to Monique and Chantal for without your loving women by your side, you are right these cross Canada treks would not of happened. For cousin Sheldon Kennedy, he had his wife and a new baby on the road with him to motivate, protect and spur him on. Sometimes a women knows best is a good saying! Your family is extremely proud of you both! Dontstopbelieving rule was safety first, as the tires of your sunshine wagon is also part of your Team! Use and appreciate the whole team! I love your healthy holistic vision of happily living with seasonal affected disorder, SAD. You are a great role model, kudos to you and your Team. Rainbow bubble of protection of love and happiness is surrounding you and your whole Team and family for this cross Canada trek!
